First Day of School 2021

The girls are starting another school year. Katie is 12 going in 7th grade at South Forsyth Middle School and Lilly is 14 going in 9th grade at Lambert High School. We officially have a high schooler, which still hasn’t completely sunk in yet. They are on different bus schedules again and Lilly has to get up earlier, so I’m crossing my fingers she can learn to use the alarm clock this year.

Over the summer, Lilly caught the gardening bug and has developed a bit of a green thumb. She’s been raising and taking care of plants and cactuses around the house. She even took an interest in volleyball and played in a short camp and a little in the neighborhood. Apparently, she must have hit her head too hard because she has been asking what car she’s getting. Yep, you read that right. She’s 14 and can’t wake herself up in the morning, has no survival skills and can’t walk in a parking lot without falling, but she wants a car. I try not to laugh out loud right in front of her, but she makes it so difficult.

Katie is doing well too. She is in-between soccer seasons, but gets dragged into playing a little volleyball with Lilly. She has officially passed Laura in height and won’t let her forget it. When she’s not trolling her sister, she spends her time watching anything with the word “Magic” in the title. I’m convinced she’s training to become a witch.

Like last year, the Caronavirus is still present with infections actually going up in recent weeks due to the more infectious Delta variant. As of this week, about 50% of the US population is vaccinated, including us. Unlike last year, the girls schools are largely dismissing it. No vaccine mandates, no masks, no social distancing, no record keeping, no contract tracing. As much as I want to return to normal too, it sure does feel irresponsible. Fingers crossed.

2021 Questionaire in the comments.